How to Quickly Relieve Stress

Jun 12, 2022

We all need to de-stress regularly. Let’s face it; life is busy. It’s very easy to neglect ourselves because we are so busy taking care of others. But when we regularly do things to feel better, it’s like letting a bit of the pressure out of the pressure cooker before the lid blows! Here’s how to quickly relieve stress:

Get a Massage

Professional massages are fabulous, but you don’t even need to go that high tech! You and your partner can just snuggle up and trade off massages. My hubby and I will generally sit in bed and he’ll rub my feet while I rub his back. And then we switch!

Take a Hot Bath

Calgon, take me away! There’s nothing like a hot bath, maybe with epsom salts and essential oil to unwind and relax after a long day! A glass of chardonnay is optional!

Read a Good Book

Don’t you love just immersing yourself in a good book? It’s a way to get drawn into a different world for just a bit. And it doesn’t matter if you’re reading a classic, romance novel, or a children’s book, the principle is the same. I love getting lost in the Harry Potter series! Even though it’s a children’s series, I love it. My other favorite, which I’ve read for years and years, is Nancy Drew. They can be a bit corny, but they’re easy to read and bring back memories of a simpler time and pace.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t shoot their husbands; they just don’t!” —Elle Woods, Legally Blonde. It doesn’t get put more clearly than that. Exercise of any type will make you feel better, lift your mood, and de-stress!

Take an Outdoor Hike

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This is my favorite! When I am hiking through the woods, I’m in my happy place! I have a regular trail that I like to go on that includes some pretty steep inclines as well as fantastic scenery! It’s a win-win for me! I get to decompress; I get a fantastic workout, and I get to breathe in fresh air as I take in the scenery.

Use Emotional Freedom Techniques

EFT Tapping, as it is better known by, offers a quick way to let stress flow through you rather than get stuck. There are numerous online teachings that show this methodology, or you can just download my FREE Craving Cure Training.

Practice Visualizations, Prayer, or Meditation

It’s amazing how powerful our minds are. the Bible actually even tells us that the power that is in us is “exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything we can think or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). Law of Attraction also confirms that that which we think and feel about most will be most manifested in our lives. I teach my clients to allow emotions to flow through them rather than get stuck in their craw. It’s amazing how we each have this power to feel good and to not allow stress to affect us negatively.

If you want to know how to quickly relieve stress, you may want to try some of these ideas. Or you may have your own way to relax and decompress! The important thing is not what you do; it’s that you have regular activities that make you feel good, both mentally and physically. As Nike says — Just Do It!

